
The Predictability Predicament 04

My brother and I have a long history of being polar opposites. Although he is usually the more reserved of the two of us, he is notorious for being wildly adventurous with his food choices.

I’ve seen the guy order everything from roasted cactus to pork belly! Not that either of these two dishes sound appealing to me (in the least…), but this is a quality about my brother that I have long admired. My admiration for his daring food decisions has been especially renewed since I began this whole Yes-Girl kick!

My brother, Corbett!
On one fateful day at our favorite Mexican restaurant in Healdsburg, California, Guadalajara, I realized that I was ordering two tacos de carnitas with no sour cream…again. I hesitated at the counter. Did I really want the same dish that I had been ordering for at least seven years? Before I even had time to make up my mind the waitress had already started to write down my order…she knew what I would order. I was predictable.

Corbett had an affinity for food
even at a very young age....!

Sure it was only food, but for me it was a representation of something much bigger. I kept ordering two tacos de carnitas with no sour cream because I knew that I liked it and I knew that it would be good. It was a safe order. I never tried anything new because what if I didn’t like it? What if I did like it but not as much as my tacos de carnitas!? The idea was terrifying!

When I put my taco troubles in to perspective I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. Logistically speaking, if it wasn’t tasty I could have always ordered something else after…but at least I would have tried something new. Is this what I was doing in my life? Was I passing up trying new things because I was scared of the unknown outcome? Well you all already know my answer to that question…!

So it’s the end of September and I’m back in Oklahoma for school. It’s a Wednesday night and I am in over my head with reading and studying for a test. My solution? STARBUCKS! I hop in my car with only 20 minutes to spare before Starbucks closes and locks away the secret to my happiness: a tall non-fat latte with an extra espresso shot! 

I pull up to the window ready with my order and I hear a chirpy voice on the other end saying, “Hello welcome to Starbucks can I interest you in a salted caramel mocha or one of our other fall drinks?” Oh no! I had a dilemma, to order my favorite drink that I know I’ll love, or to try something knew? An image of the waitress at Guadalajara prematurely taking my order flashed through my mind and all I could think was, predictable… Well so much for my tall double non-fat latte…

My new favorite! If only it
weren't for the calories...

I pulled up to the window and hesitantly reached for my tall, non-fat, salted caramel mocha. Once it cooled down enough I took my first sip. Heavenly. I wasn’t usually into the whole sweetened coffee thing but this was just too good to not like!

Ok so it wasn’t a cactus in a cup or an order of pork belly, but baby steps, right!? My lesson learned? Although new foods and experiences might be scary and the outcome is always unknown, you don’t gain anything from ordering the same ole tacos de carnitas sans sour cream every time. If you just say yes you never know, your new favorite drink might just find you!

A big thank you to my little brother, Corbett, who has been a BIG inspiration in my present and future food adventures and more importantly a best friend. I love you Bubba! 

Brother and best friend!

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