Hey y'all! I'm Catherine, a 21-year-old student at the University of Oklahoma double majoring in Professional Writing and Religious Studies. Before you ask: No I am not writing my own Bible and I do not plan on joining a convent! I just love to write and find world religions fascinating. 

Even though I was born in the D.C. area and go to OU, I am a Texas girl at heart. I moved to the Houston area when I was about five years old and Texas will always be home to me. 

I love my family and friends, (it would be slightly questionable if I didn't...) Bikram yoga, BADgal Lash, non-fat lattes, Tom Brokaw, my old converse, Sex and the City, and Christmas. Oh, and I can't forget my sweet dog Gus, who I swear must be part pig with the way that he snorts!

I started this blog as an assignment for a class but soon became addicted! My Yes-Girl kick became the inspiration for my blog, (see my post here), and it has continued to evolve! This blog is about the people, events, recipes, music, books, and shoes that continue to inspire my journey!

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