
Even a Yes-Girl has to say no... 01

So far this whole Yes-Girl kick has led me down some pretty funny and outrageous paths. Who knew I would be learning Turkish or cheating on my BADgal lash mascara!? Well I can tell you that I never thought either of those things was possible in this lifetime!

I started being a Yes-Girl because I was in a rut. Socially, personally, academically…all aspects of my life were affected by the same ole same ole routine that I seemed to be stuck in, so I started saying yes.

But over the past week or so saying yes has gotten me STRESSED!

Why, you ask?

Well, sometimes, when a girl gets in the habit of saying yes, she says yes to one too many a thing and she has to take a step back and reevaluate!

This is precisely the predicament I find myself in now…I’ve developed a condition that I like to call: OVER-YESSED!

No, no I am not done being a Yes-Girl but I am going to have to make a few changes if I want to keep this whole gig up! I’m going to have to prioritize.

A good portion of my stress has come from my schoolwork. I am a junior in college pursuing a double major in Professional Writing and Religious studies…(And no I am not planning in writing my own Bible…)

Anyways, both majors are incredibly time consuming, I have paper after paper and book after book to read…the work is truly never ending. And I can complain all that I want but the fact of the matter is that I am in college to get an education, and I’m pushing myself by pursuing a double major.

When it comes down to it, even though the work is overwhelming I really do enjoy school for the most part. My professors are great and I’m truly passionate about both of the fields that I am studying.

So what does all this mean for the Yes-Girl? Well it means that this Yes-Girl had to say no for the first time in quite a while.

This weekend is homecoming at OU and it is jam-packed with fun activities…the problem? My agenda is even more packed with paper assignments galore!

As much as I’d love to say yes to tailgating and celebrating with my friends, I would much rather say yes to an A in my classes…because doing well in school truly does make me feel happy and confident, which is what this yes-girl thing was all about anyways, right?!

So I hope you’ll understand and give me a break this week, I’ll be back in full force before you know it! And in the meantime, go say yes to something new in my place!

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